From Perro to Pulpo: Learn the Names of 107 Animals in Spanish
From blue whales to pandas, there are so many wonderful animals out there. But, you don’t need to know the Spanish name of every single creature in the animal kingdom! If you’re a beginner learner, learning 107 animal names in Spanish is a good place to start. To help you with the essentials, I’ve broken down the animals into different categories to create the ultimate list of animals in Spanish. We’ll explore the oceans, jungles, and even some common pets you might have in your own home.
Animales Domésticos en Español: Domestic Animals in Spanish
Los animales domésticos or “domestic animals” in English are those animals that you can keep at home as pets. Whether you want to talk about your furry friends or simply visit the pet store, knowing the names of pets in Spanish is a great way to increase your Spanish vocabulary. In this list, you’ll find the names of 12 common domestic animals in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
El perro | Dog |
El gato | Cat |
El hámster | Hamster |
El pez | Fish |
El conejillo de Indias/El cuy | Guinea pig |
El conejo | Rabbit |
El loro | Parrot |
El perico | Parakeet |
El camaleón | Chameleon |
El hurón | Ferret |
La cacatúa | Cockatoo/Cockatiel |
La tortuga | Turtle |
Animales de Granja en Español: Farm Animals in Spanish
By learning the names of los animales de granja or “farm animals” in English, you can turn your next visit to the farm into a Spanish exercise. Below, you’ll find the names of 15 common farm animals in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
La vaca | Cow |
El toro | Bull |
La oveja | Sheep |
El chancho | Pig |
La cabra | Goat |
El pato | Duck |
El pollo | Chicken |
La gallina | Hen |
El gallo | Rooster |
El caballo | Horse |
El pavo | Turkey |
El ganso | Goose |
El burro | Donkey |
El ternero | Calf |
El potro | Foal |
Animales del Bosque in Spanish: Forest Animals in Spanish
Even if you’re not planning to go on a hike or camp out in the woods, knowing the names of the different animales del bosque or forest animals can help you stay on the right track to Spanish fluency. Below, you’ll find a table with 16 common forest animals and their Spanish names:
Spanish | English |
El venado | Deer |
El alce | Moose |
El oso | Bear |
El zorro | Fox |
La ardilla | Squirrel |
El zorrillo | Skunk |
El lobo | Wolf |
El halcón | Hawk |
El mapache | Raccoon |
El sapo | Toad |
El búho | Owl |
La liebre | Hare |
El castor | Beaver |
La comadreja | Weasel |
El topo | Mole |
El tejón | Badger |
Animales Salvajes in Spanish: Wild Animals in Spanish
While some of them are really cute, you don’t want to bring any animales salvajes, or wild animals, into your home! In the list below, you’ll see the Spanish names of 32 different animals you’ll likely find in the jungle, savannah, or even in your next trip to the zoo:
Spanish | English |
El león | Lion |
El tigre | Tiger |
El jaguar | Jaguar |
La pantera | Panther |
El leopardo | Leopard |
El gorila | Gorilla |
El chimpancé | Chimpanzee |
El babuino | Baboon |
El macaco | Macaque |
La zebra | Zebra |
El antilope | Antelope |
La gacela | Gazelle |
El bisonte | Bison |
La jirafa | Giraffe |
El elefante | Elephant |
El rinoceronte | Rhinoceros |
El hipopótamo | Hippopotamus |
La avestruz | Ostrich |
El pavo real | Peacock |
El cisne | Swan |
El cuervo | Crow |
La paloma | Dove |
Los pelicanos | Pelican |
El flamenco | Flamingo |
El oso hormiguero | Giant anteater bear |
El capibara | Capybara |
El murciélago | Bat |
El panda | Panda |
La anaconda | Anaconda |
El cóndor | Condor |
El cocodrilo | Crocodile |
El lagarto/El caimán | Alligator |
Animales Marinos: Marine Animals
Whether you’re planning a day at the beach, visiting the aquarium, going scuba diving–or even eating out at a seafood restaurant, knowing the names of these 18 animales marinos, or marine animals in English, can come in handy:
Spanish | English |
La ballena | Whale |
El tiburón | Shark |
El delfín | Dolphin |
La orca | Killer whale |
El pulpo | Octopus |
La esponja de mar | Sea sponge |
El caballito de mar | Sea horse |
El león marino | Sea lion |
La foca | Seal |
La morsa | Walrus |
La mantarraya | Stingray |
La medusa | Jellyfish |
La estrella de mar | Starfish |
La almeja | Clam |
La anguila | Eel |
La tortuga de mar | Sea turtle |
El cangrejo | Crab |
La langosta | Lobster |
Insectos en Español: Insects in Spanish
Los insectos might not be as popular as other animals, but that doesn’t make them any less special. Since they’re an essential part of our ecosystem, it’s likely that you’ll come into contact with many of the 14 insects you’ll see below.
Spanish | English |
La araña | Spider |
La oruga | Caterpillar |
La mariposa | Butterfly |
La hormiga | Ant |
El escorpión | Scorpion |
La cucaracha | Cockroach |
El caracol | Snail |
La mosca | Fly |
El gusano | Worm |
La abeja | Bee |
La polilla | Moth |
El mosquito | Mosquito |
La babosa | Slug |
La pulga | Flea |
Learn Spanish with Langoly!
I hope you’ve had fun learning the names of animals in Spanish! Now, you’re ready to surprise your friends and family with your new Spanish animal vocabulary. Remember that the best way to make sure you don’t forget what you’ve just learned is to practice using your new language skills.
If you’d like to learn more about animals in Spanish-speaking countries, you can listen to episode 05 of the Siempre Spanish podcast. Or, if you want to learn Spanish with structured lessons, I recommend you study with an online course. We created the Siempre Spanish course to teach you Spanish the way it’s spoken in real life. Forget about memorizing words and learn to use the language in context. Study with native speakers and take your Spanish skills to the next level!