Jugar Conjugation | How to Conjugate Jugar in Spanish

¡Hola! ¿Listo para jugar a conjugar verbos? In this article, we’ll go over all the conjugations for the verb jugar. You’ll learn how to conjugate jugar in the different Spanish tenses, and I’ll give you some example sentences to help you practice.
Jugar means “to play.” It’s one of the most common verbs in the Spanish language, so you’ll see it quite often. Although jugar is mostly used for its literal meaning, some colloquial phrases use it figuratively. For example, you can use jugar to say “Ellos juegan a las cartas” (They play cards) or “Le gusta jugar con tus sentimientos” (He likes to play with your feelings). You can have a lot of fun learning the conjugations for this verb.
The table below shows three common conjugations of jugar: the infinitive, the gerund, and the past participle.

Here are three example sentences that use the conjugations of jugar from the table above:
- Infinitive: A la Reina no le gustaba jugar Monopolio. (The queen didn’t like to play Monopoly.)
- Gerund: Estabamos jugando afuera hasta que empezó a llover. (We were playing outside until it started raining.)
- Past Participle: ¿Nunca has jugado videojuegos? (Have you never played videogames?)
Now, we’ll look at all the conjugations for jugar. The table below shows the different Spanish verb tenses. You can click on each one of them to see jugar conjugated in that specific tense.
How to Conjugate Jugar in Indicative Tense
We use the indicative tense to talk about facts, habits, or descriptions. You can use it to describe events in the past, present, or future. It’s one of the most common moods in the Spanish language, so learning to conjugate jugar in this tense is very important. We’ll go over the following indicative tenses: present, future, preterite, imperfect, and conditional.
Indicative Present
In Spanish, we use the indicative present to talk about present or future events. This form of jugar lets us explain what we play in the present time. You can use it with specific or non-specific time frames. For example, you can say “Ella juega beisbol después de la escuela” which means, “She plays baseball after school.”
Here’s the conjugation chart for jugar in the indicative present:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | juego | I play |
Tú | juegas | You play |
Vos | jugás | You play |
Él/Ella/Usted | juega | He/She plays, You play |
Nosotros | jugamos | We play |
Vosotros | jugáis | You play |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | juegan | They/You play |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the indicative present tense:
- Ellos juegan con una nueva consola de videojuegos. / They play with a new video game console.
- Nosotros jugamos ping-pong por las tardes. / We play ping-pong in the afternoons.
- Yo no juego juegos aburridos. / I don’t play boring games.
Indicative Future
The indicative future is used to describe events that will happen. You can use jugar in this tense to talk about games you will play later or to indicate who will play with you in the future. For example, you can say “Jugaré Tetris para matar tiempo” which means, “I will play Tetris to kill time.”
Below, you can find the conjugation chart for jugar in the indicative future tense:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | jugaré | I will play |
Tú | jugarás | You will play |
Vos | jugarás | You will play |
Él/Ella/Usted | jugará | He/She/You will play |
Nosotros | jugaremos | We will play |
Vosotros | jugaréis | You will play |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | jugarán | They/You will play |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the indicative future tense:
- Vosotros jugaréis una partida y luego se irán a dormir. / You will play a match and then go to bed.
- Ustedes jugarán basket el próximo verano. / You will play basketball next summer.
- Tú jugarás con tu primo el fin de semana. / You will play with your cousin on the weekend.
Indicative Preterite
The indicative preterite tense helps us talk about actions or events in the past. In the case of the verb jugar, you can use the indicative preterite to explain what games or sports you played. You can use it to indicate with whom, at what time, or what kind of game you played. For example, you can say “Nosotros jugamos con un nuevo casco de realidad virtual” which means, “We played with a new virtual reality headset.”
You can find the indicative preterite conjugation chart for jugar below:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | jugué | I played |
Tú | jugaste | You played |
Vos | jugaste | You played |
Él/Ella/Usted | jugó | He/She/You played |
Nosotros | jugamos | We played |
Vosotros | jugasteis | You played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | jugaron | They/You played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the indicative preterite tense:
- Él jugó en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1995. / He played in the 1995 Olympic Games.
- Vos jugaste video juegos hasta quedarte dormido. / You played video games until you fell asleep.
- Yo jugué Clue con mi hermana hace muchos años. / I played Clue with my sister many years ago.
Indicative Imperfect
We use the indicative imperfect tense to talk about ongoing past actions. You can use the indicative imperfect conjugations of jugar to remember games and people you used to play with. For example, you can say “Ella jugaba con sus amigos cuando era pequeña” which means, “She used to play with her friends when she was little.”
Here’s the conjugation chart for jugar in the indicative imperfect tense:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | jugaba | I used to play |
Tú | jugabas | You used to play |
Vos | jugabas | You used to play |
Él/Ella/Usted | jugaba | He/She/You used to play |
Nosotros | jugabamos | We used to play |
Vosotros | jugabais | You used to play |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | jugaban | They/You used to play |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the indicative imperfect tense:
- Tú jugabas en el equipo de soccer de la escuela. / You used to play on the school’s soccer team.
- Ellas jugaban vóleibol en la playa. / They used to play volleyball on the beach.
- Nosotros jugabamos D&D hasta que discutimos. / We used to play D&D until we argued.
Indicative Conditional
The indicative conditional tense is used to talk about hypothetical situations. You can use it to talk about things that would happen in the future if a separate event took place before. The indicative conditional form of jugar can help you point out which games or with who you would play if other events allowed it. For example, you can say “Jugaría con el simulador de vida si no tuviera que trabajar” which means, “I would play with the life simulator if I didn’t have to work.”
You can find the indicative conditional jugar conjugation chart below:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | jugaría | I would play |
Tú | jugarías | You would play |
Vos | jugarías | You would play |
Él/Ella/Usted | jugaría | He/She/You would play |
Nosotros | jugaríamos | We would play |
Vosotros | jugaríais | You would play |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | jugarían | They/You would play |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the indicative conditional tense:
- Jugaríamos afuera si dejara de nevar. / We would play outside if it stopped snowing.
- Yo no jugaría contigo a menos de que pidieras perdón. / I would not play with you unless you said sorry.
- ¿Jugarías ajedrez conmigo si acabo la tarea? / Would you play chess with me if I finish my homework?
How to Conjugate Jugar in Perfect Tense
The perfect tense is used to describe past events that influence the present. In order to conjugate jugar in this tense, you will need to use the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of jugar (jugado). Keep in mind that while the past participle form of jugar doesn’t change, the verb haber changes to match the pronouns for each tense. We’ll cover these perfect tenses: present, future, past perfect, conditional, and preterite perfect tense.
Present Perfect
In Spanish, we use the present perfect to refer to actions that started in the past and are still relevant in the present. The present perfect form of jugar can help you talk about games that you started playing in the past but are still playing today. You can also use this tense to talk about people you played with in the past that you still play with today. For example, you can say “Ellos han jugado Crash juntos desde los diez años” which means, “They have played Crash together since they were ten.”
Below, you will find the present perfect conjugation chart for jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | he jugado | I have played |
Tú | has jugado | You have played |
Vos | has jugado | You have played |
Él/Ella/Usted | ha jugado | He/She has played, You have played |
Nosotros | hemos jugado | We have played |
Vosotros | habéis jugado | You have played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | han jugado | They/You have played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the present perfect tense:
- Habéis jugado sucio por mucho tiempo, ahora tendrás que pagar las consecuencias. / You have played dirty for too long, now you’ll have to pay the consequences.
- He jugado juegos de terror desde chica, y nunca sentí miedo. / I have played horror games since I was little, and I never felt afraid.
- Nosotros hemos jugado este juego demasiado tiempo. / We have played this game for too long.
Future Perfect
The future perfect tense lets us describe an event that will take place before a specific point in the future. You can use specific or non-specific time frames. The future perfect conjugations of jugar let us talk about what we will have played or who will have played before a future event. For example, you can say “Ellos ya habrán jugado el partido para cuando enciendas la TV” which means, “They will have already played the match by the time you turn on the TV.”
Here’s the conjugation chart for jugar in the future perfect tense:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | habré jugado | I will have played |
Tú | habrás jugado | You will have played |
Vos | habrás jugado | You will have played |
Él/Ella/Usted | habrá jugado | He/She/You will have played |
Nosotros | habremos jugado | We will have played |
Vosotros | habréis jugado | You will have played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | habrán jugado | They/You will have played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the future perfect tense:
- Ella habrá jugado en el torneo la próxima vez que la vea. / She will have played in the tournament by the next time I see her.
- Ya habremos jugado la mayor parte del juego cuando empiecen las clases. / We will have played most of the game when the classes start.
- Ellos habrán jugado con el equipo rival para entonces. / They will have played with the rival team by then.
Past Perfect (Pluperfect)
The past perfect, or pluperfect, tense is used to describe something that happened before another event in the past. You can use the past perfect form of jugar to remember games or people you had played with before something else happened. For example, you can say “Ellos habían jugado juntos hasta que él hizo otros amigos” which means, “They had played together until he made other friends.”
You can find the conjugation chart for the past perfect tense of jugar below:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | había jugado | I had played |
Tú | habías jugado | You had played |
Vos | habías jugado | You had played |
Él/Ella/Usted | había jugado | He/She/You had played |
Nosotros | habíamos jugado | We had played |
Vosotros | habíais jugado | You had played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | habían jugado | They/You had played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the pluperfect tense:
- Habíamos jugado en paz hasta que ella llegó. / We had played in peace until she arrived.
- Yo había jugado en la computadora hasta que me empezaron a llorar los ojos. / I had played on the computer until my eyes started to water.
- Vos habías jugado bien hasta que te caíste. / You had played well until you fell.
Conditional Perfect
You can use the conditional perfect tense to talk about possibilities, opinions, or theories. It helps us talk about what could have or should have been. With the conditional perfect conjugation of jugar, you can point out what or with who you would have played if a separate event had taken place. For example, you can say “Yo habría jugado si me hubiesen invitado” which means, “I would have played if I had been invited.”
Below, you can see all the conditional perfect conjugations for the verb jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | habría jugado | I would have played |
Tú | habrías jugado | You would have played |
Vos | habrías jugado | You would have played |
Él/Ella/Usted | habría jugado | He/She/You would have played |
Nosotros | habríamos jugado | We would have played |
Vosotros | habríais jugado | You would have played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | habrían jugado | They/You would have played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the conditional perfect tense:
- Él habría jugado en el partido si hubieran pedido un jugador más. / He would have played in the match if they had asked for one more player.
- Usted habría jugado mejor si hubiese practicado más. / You would have played better if you had practiced more.
- Ellas habrían jugado en grupo si hubiesen estado en el mismo salón. / They would have played together if they had been in the same classroom.
Preterite Perfect (Past Anterior)
The preterite perfect, or past anterior, helps us describe actions completed at a specific point in time. You can use the verb jugar in this form to talk about games you had played in the past. For example, you can say “Yo hube jugado hasta perder noción del tiempo” which means, “I had played until I lost track of time.” Keep in mind that jugar is not commonly used in this tense. It’s more likely to see jugar used in the present perfect tense in its place.
Here’s the preterite perfect conjugation chart for jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | hube jugado | I had played |
Tú | hubiste jugado | You had played |
Vos | hubiste jugado | You had played |
Él/Ella/Usted | hubo jugado | He/She/You had played |
Nosotros | hubimos jugado | We had played |
Vosotros | hubisteis jugado | You had played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | hubieron jugado | They/You had played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the past perfect tense:
- Él hubo jugado en la calle hasta que oscureció. / He had played in the street until it got dark.
- Nosotros hubimos jugado en el equipo correcto. / We had played on the right team.
- Hubisteis jugado brusco con su compañero. / You had played rough with your classmate.
How to Conjugate Jugar in Subjunctive Tense
In English, the subjunctive tense doesn’t exist because we have specific words or phrases to convey subjective ideas. However, this tense is very common in Spanish and helps us express wishes, doubts, and hopes. The subjunctive conjugations of jugar help us create hypotheses about games we would play or make plans for the future. We’ll look at the following subjunctive tenses: present, future, and imperfect subjunctive tense.
Present Subjunctive
We use the present subjunctive tense to express emotions like wishes, hopes, doubts, or intentions. In the case of jugar, you can use its present subjunctive form to tell someone how you feel about the games they play or the way they play. For example, you can say “Me gusta que juegues Monopolio conmigo” which means, “I like that you play Monopoly with me.”
You can find the conjugation chart for jugar in the present subjunctive tense right below:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | juegue | I play |
Tú | juegues | You play |
Vos | juegues | You play |
Él/Ella/Usted | juegue | He/She plays, You play |
Nosotros | juguemos | We play |
Vosotros | juguéis | You play |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | jueguen | They/You play |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the present subjunctive tense:
- Puede que juegue con él después. / Maybe I can play with him later.
- No quiero ver que juegues tan rudo. / I don’t want to see you play so rough.
- Me pone triste que ya no jueguen juntos. / It makes me sad that you don’t play together anymore.
Future Subjunctive
The future subjunctive is used to talk about hypothetical situations that might happen in the future. You can use jugar in this tense to tell others what you will play in a subjective scenario. For example, you can say “Si no llueve, jugaremos en el bosque” which means, “If it doesn’t rain, we will play in the woods.”
Here’s the future subjunctive conjugation chart for the verb jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | jugare | I will play |
Tú | jugares | You will play |
Vos | jugares | You will play |
Él/Ella/Usted | jugare | He/She/You will play |
Nosotros | jugáremos | We will play |
Vosotros | jugareis | You will play |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | jugaren | They/You will play |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the future subjunctive tense:
- Si termino todo el trabajo jugare videojuegos toda la noche. / If I finish all the work, I will play video games all night.
- Me temo que vosotros jugareis en diferentes equipos. / I’m afraid you will play on different teams.
- No creo que jugaremos en Los Juegos Olímpicos. / I don’t think we will play in the Olympics.
Imperfect Subjunctive
We use the imperfect subjunctive to describe uncertain past events. You can also use it to express feelings about hypothetical events in the future. The imperfect subjunctive form of jugar lets us talk about games we might or might not remember playing. For example, you can say “No recuerdo que ella jugara con mis amigas” which means, “I don’t remember that she played with my friends.”
Below, you can find all the imperfect subjunctive conjugations for jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | jugara/ jugase | I played |
Tú | jugaras/ jugases | You played |
Vos | jugaras/ jugases | You played |
Él/Ella/Usted | jugara/ jugase | He/She/You played |
Nosotros | jugáramos/ jugásemos | We played |
Vosotros | jugarais/ jugaseis | You played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | jugaran/ jugasen | They/You played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the imperfect subjunctive tense:
- Puede que él jugara en otro parque. / Maybe he played in another park.
- Si nosotros jugaramos videojuegos juntos, no nos sentiriamos solos. / If we played video games together, we wouldn’t feel alone.
- Puede que jugases ese juego con ella, pero a mi no me gusta. / Maybe you played that game with her, but I don’t like it.
How to Conjugate Jugar in Perfect Subjunctive Tense
The perfect subjunctive mood is used to talk about uncertain events in the past that could have influenced the present. We use jugar in this tense to talk about how the games we played in the past could have changed the present. To conjugate jugar in this tense, you will need to use the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of jugar (jugado). We’ll cover the next perfect subjunctive tenses: present subjunctive, future subjunctive, and pluperfect subjunctive.
Present Perfect Subjunctive
The present perfect subjunctive helps us describe past events still connected to the present. You can also use it to talk about actions that will take place at a specific point in the future. The present perfect subjunctive form of jugar lets us express how we currently feel about games we have played in the past. For example, you can say “Me alegra que hayas jugado con todos tus compañeros de clase” which means, “I’m glad you have played with all your classmates.”
Here’s the present perfect subjunctive conjugation chart for jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | haya jugado | I have played |
Tú | hayas jugado | You have played |
Vos | hayas jugado | You have played |
Él/Ella/Usted | haya jugado | He/She has played, You have played |
Nosotros | hayamos jugado | We have played |
Vosotros | hayáis jugado | You have played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | hayan jugado | They/You have played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the present perfect subjunctive tense:
- No me importa que hayas jugado en las grandes ligas, aún tienes que hacer tu tarea. / I don’t care that you have played in the big leagues, you still have to do your homework.
- Quizás ella haya jugado con más aplicaciones de lenguaje. / Maybe she has played with more language apps.
- No puedo creer que vosotros hayáis jugado asi con los sentimientos de otra persona. / I can’t believe you have played like that with somebody else’s feelings.
Future Perfect Subjunctive
We use the future perfect subjunctive to talk about the possibilities of future events. You can use jugar in this tense to describe games you will have played in hypothetical future scenarios. For example, you can say “Yo hubiere jugado hasta el último nivel si no hubiera escuela mañana” which means, “I will have played until the last level if there was no school tomorrow.” The future perfect subjunctive tense is rarely used in Spanish, but learning to conjugate jugar in this form can still be useful to understand phrases used in old literature or legal texts.
You can find the future perfect subjunctive conjugation chart for jugar below:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | hubiere jugado | I will have played |
Tú | hubieres jugado | You will have played |
Vos | hubieres jugado | You will have played |
Él/Ella/Usted | hubiere jugado | He/She/You will have played |
Nosotros | hubiéramos jugado | We will have played |
Vosotros | hubiereis jugado | You will have played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | hubieren jugado | They/You will have played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the future perfect subjunctive tense:
- Hubieres jugado más seguido si las vacaciones fueran más largas. / You would have played more often if the holidays were longer.
- En caso usted hubiere jugado en el concurso, recibiría un premio por participación. / In case you have played in the contest, you will receive a participation prize.
- Si hubieren jugado en equipo, hubieran ganado. / If they had played in a team, they would have won.
Pluperfect Subjunctive
In Spanish, we use the pluperfect subjunctive to talk about actions that happened before other actions in the past. In the case of jugar, you can use the pluperfect subjunctive to create theories about games you had played. For example, you can say “Nosotros hubiéramos jugado tenis si él no se hubiese roto el brazo” which means, “We had played tennis if he hadn’t broken an arm.”
Below, you can find the pluperfect subjunctive conjugation chart for the verb jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation | English Meaning |
Yo | Hubiera/ Hubiese jugado | I had played |
Tú | Hubieras/ Hubieses jugado | You had played |
Vos | Hubieras/ Hubieses jugado | You had played |
Él/Ella/Usted | Hubiera/ Hubiese jugado | He/She/You had played |
Nosotros | Hubiéramos/ Hubiésemos jugado | We had played |
Vosotros | Hubierais/ Hubieseis jugado | You had played |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | Hubieran/ Hubiesen jugado | They/You had played |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the pluperfect subjunctive tense:
- Yo hubiese jugado afuera si me hubiesen dado permiso. / I had played outside if they had given me permission.
- Vos hubieras jugado con él incluso si te decían que no lo hicieras. / You had played with him even if they had told you not to do it.
- Ustedes hubieran jugado en nuestro equipo su hubiera habido espacio. / You had played in our team if there had been space.
How to Conjugate Jugar in the Imperative Tense
We use the imperative tense to give commands, orders, or advice. You can use jugar in the imperative tense to tell someone to play or not play with something. To conjugate jugar in the negative imperative, just add “no” instead of “don’t.”
Here’s the imperative tense conjugation chart for jugar:
Pronoun | Jugar Conjugation (Affirmative) | Jugar Conjugation (Negative) | English Meaning |
Tú | ¡Juega! | ¡No juegues! | Play!/ Don’t play! |
Vos | ¡Jugá! | ¡No juegues! | Play!/ Don’t play! |
Él/Ella/Usted | ¡Juegue! | ¡No juegue! | Play!/ Don’t play! |
Nosotros | ¡Juguemos! | ¡No juguemos! | Play!/ Don’t play! |
Vosotros | ¡Jugad! | ¡No juguéis! | Play!/ Don’t play! |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | ¡Jueguen! | ¡No jueguen! | Play!/ Don’t play! |
Here are some example sentences showing how to conjugate jugar in the imperative tense:
- ¡No juegues con tu salud! / Don’t play with your health!
- ¡No juguemos con la vida de los demás! / Don’t play with other people’s lives!
- ¡Jueguen en equipo! / Play in teams!
Tips for Conjugating Jugar Correctly
Learning to conjugate verbs can be tricky, even for native Spanish speakers. But don’t feel discouraged. You can master Spanish verb conjugation if you study consistently and practice using the language. Exposing yourself to authentic Spanish material can also help you develop a natural understanding that is way better than just memorizing verb forms.
Here are some common expressions you can use to practice conjugating jugar. “Se jugó la vida” which translates to, “He played with his life” is an expression used to say that somebody risked everything in his life for a specific purpose. “Jugo todas sus cartas” which means, “He played all his cards” is another common expression used to talk about someone having used all his options.
Learn Spanish with Langoly!
Irregular verbs like jugar can be somewhat tricky and might take you more time to master than regular verbs. Luckily, there are many ways to learn Spanish and conquer verb conjugation. For example, if you like interactive material, you can use Spanish apps. If you prefer longer explanations, Spanish books can help you solve complex grammar topics. Or, if you have a busy schedule, you can listen to Spanish podcasts to review your knowledge on the go.
If you’d like to learn Spanish step by step, an online course is your best choice. We created the Siempre Spanish course to help you become conversational quickly. Don’t waste more time learning random phrases. Study Spanish with native Spanish speakers and learn the language you need to communicate in all sorts of daily scenarios!
Jugar Conjugation FAQ
To conjugate the verb jugar, you first need to decide the tense and tone for the idea you want to convey. Jugar is an irregular verb, which means that its conjugations don’t follow the patterns of regular verbs. To conjugate jugar in the perfect and perfect subjunctive tenses, you need to use the auxiliary verb “haber” and the past participle of jugar, so you need to pay attention to the conjugation of haber as well.
The most common past tenses of jugar are the indicative preterite (yo jugué), and imperfect (yo jugaba). The less common past tenses for this verb include the preterite perfect (yo hube jugado) and the future perfect subjunctive (yo hubiere jugado).
Jugando is the gerund form of jugar. You can use it to point out what, where, and with who you are playing in the present time. For example, you can say “Estoy jugando en el parque con mis amigos” which means, “I am playing in the park with my friends.”
Jugar means “to play.” We use this verb to talk about the games we play and the people who participate in them. You can also use it to describe where you are playing. Jugar is mostly used for its literal meaning, but you can also use it in figurative expressions like “No juegues con temas serios” (Don’t play with serious matters).